Mr. Saitou Player Count and Stats (2024)

Mr. Saitou player count statsNothing just yet. Be sure to check back soon as we update all video game stats as soon as they are provided.

Game Description

A short game about an average white-collar worker who struggles to find meaning in a life full of constant overtime and isolation. After an accident lands him in the hospital, Mr. Saitou is spirited away to a strange fantasy world where an unexpected friend takes him on a life-changing adventure.

Game Trailer

Game Details

Here is pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about Mr. Saitou.

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About the Author

Craig Smith
VideoGamesStats Publisher. Director of Marketing by day and I run this little site at night. Other interests include Disney, Sports, 80's Nostalgia, LEGO, Star Wars and Tech Gadgets. Other sites include and DMR.