Claire de Lune Player Count and Stats (2024)

Claire de Lune player count Stats and FactsNothing just yet. Be sure to check back soon as we update all video game stats as soon as they are provided.

Game Description

Claire de Lune is a story-driven puzzle adventure game set in a grounded science fiction universe.

You play as John, a smuggler on the run with his daughter, Claire. After some unknown force causes them to crash land their spaceship on a foreign planet, John is separated from Claire. He must use his ingenuity, agility, and a few handy pieces of technology to find Claire, repair his ship, and escape safely. As John’s journey progresses, he encounters a strange abandoned research facility, and the mystery surrounding the crash and Claire’s disappearance takes an unsettling turn.

Armed with his trusty Nanogun, John and his charming AI companion Arturo must find unique means of traversing the treacherous planet surface and navigating through the mysterious research facility found there. Claire de Lune offers puzzle solving, platforming, stealth sequences, first-person combat, combined with an engaging overarching storyline.

Leverage the Nanogun’s unique abilities to solve 3D puzzle-platforming sequences.

Game Details

Here is pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about Claire de Lune.

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About the Author

Craig Smith
VideoGamesStats Publisher. Director of Marketing by day and I run this little site at night. Other interests include Disney, Sports, 80's Nostalgia, LEGO, Star Wars and Tech Gadgets. Other sites include and DMR.